Door Sill Height: 88-161 in. Services Aircraft: DC-9, MD80, B727, B737, B757, A318, A319, A320, A321, Operation Height: 88”-161”, Platform size: 76” x 50”, Step width: 48”, Galvanized steps and platform, Swivel platform bumper adjusts +/- 5 deg., Adjustable platform height using hand pump, panels on all steps and platform handrails, Battery powered LED lighting system with adjustable timer, On-board battery charger, Battery level indicator, Stabilizer jacks, Sliding handrails to clear aircraft door, Non-marring soft rubber bumpers. Platform capacity: 1,000 lbs. Full stairway capacity: 3,500 lbs. Equipped with towbar-folding with 3”diam. eye. Shipping Dimensions: 3340 lbs, Length: 288”, Width: 96”, Height: 100"